Must-Read Personal Development Hacks 101

Must-Read Personal Development Hacks 101

3 min


List of awesome personal development hacks that you should be reading. It comes with 4 different stages for your personal growth.

Self-Discovery: Allow yourself to deeply understand your true value.

1. Huffingtonpost – This site American news, blogs, and original content and covers politics, business, entertainment, environment, technology, popular media, lifestyle, culture, comedy, healthy living, women’s interests, and local news.

[Tweet “When I discover who I am, I’ll be free. – Ralph Ellison”]

2. Ellory Wells – Is an author, speaker and personal business coach. He writes, speaks and coach leadership and personal development.

[Tweet “Your true worth is not determined by external factors – @ElloryWells”]

3. Lifehacker – This is an award-winning daily blog that features tips, shortcuts, and downloads that help you work and live smarter and more efficiently.

[Tweet “Self-Improvement Is Impossible Without Self-Awareness – @lifehacker”]

4. Thinkable Box – This is a personal development and creativity management blog. This will help you build yourself and your creativity to increase your personal growth and ideas in your career. This is founded on March 9, 2015

[Tweet “Be the best box that you can be – @rasimpaojr””]

Must-Read Personal Development Hacks 101

Self-Development: Allow yourself to enhance/develop physically and mentally towards to your fulfillment of your awesome potential.

1. Psychology Today – Covers all aspects of human behavior, from the workings of the brain to the bonds between people and the larger cultural forces that drive our most intimate decisions.

[Tweet “Those small steps will build on each other and your sense of fulfillment will continue to grow – @psychtoday”]

2. Tiny Buddha – Tiny Buddha is about reflecting on simple wisdom and learning new ways to apply it to our complex lives – complete with responsibilities, struggles, dreams, and relationships.

[Tweet “Let your inner light glow. Brighten the world. Because only light can drive away the darkness. – @tinybuddha”]

3. Dragosroua – He is an online entrepreneur, personal development fanatic, blogger, and etc. He believes that happiness is a process, not a goal.

[Tweet “Each travel exposes you to so much more and forces you to do things in so many new ways. – @dragosroua”]

4. Positivity Blog –  This is a practical personal development blog with advice and step-by-step strategies that work in real life to produce positive results.

[Tweet “Remember the most important reasons why you are doing it. – @positivityblog”]

Self-Mastery: Allow yourself to control and understand your true self-capacity.

1. Skipp Richard – Is transformational and turnaround CEO. His blog is about leadership insights with interviews with bestselling authors and leaders.

[Tweet “Make peace with your past – @SkipPrichard”]

2. Return of Kings –  This blog is for heterosexual, masculine men. It’s meant for a small but vocal collection of men in America today who believe men should be masculine and women should be feminine.

[Tweet “Happiness from success is not a goal, but a journey. @returnofkings”]

3. Lonerwolf – This is driven by a deep passion to question, challenge and explore all paths in life.

[Tweet “Self-Transformation begins to occur that with enough awareness bridges the necessary gap between the experiencer and the experience – @LonerW0lf”]

Self-Actualization: Allow yourself to realize your full potential.

1. Entrepreneur – Entrepreneur magazine seeks to inspire, inform and celebrate entrepreneurs.

[Tweet “Aiming to be self-actualized is a daunting task that requires a lifetime of dedication – @SpartanRace”]

2. Actualized – This is an advanced personal development strategies and insights for creating a life of purpose.

[Tweet “To be self-actualized is to live the best life you can live.  – @leogura1”]

I hope you found this list of personal development hacks from different blogs useful and open your mind to fully aware of yourself. Let me know your thoughts about this just comment below. Thanks!

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Renz Simpao

Hello, I'm Renz Simpao, an Educator, Blogger, and Freelance Digital Marketer who helps different brands to achieve their aim goals with a combined experience of 8 years in B2C, program development, and course training.


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