It is really hard to maintain productive and consistent blogging, especially when you have a full-time job from Monday to Friday or even until Saturday.
But will you compromise everything about your passion in blogging just because you can’t blog consistently?
Of course, your answer will be NO! but the question is HOW can you do it? That was the same question I asked myself before. HOW? Just simply familiarize and use these web applications for your productivity and don’t forget to set ample time/hours.
Furthermore, I’m 100% sure that once you mastered these apps. below, you can save a lot of time for blogging and maintain your productivity and consistency.
This best tool kit for Pinoy Bloggers can SAVE MORE of your PRECIOUS TIME.
A social media management platform where you can post anytime and anywhere.

Create your own brand design

Tap Bio
Adding multiple links on your Social Media Accounts for FREE. YOu can check this link for the steps in creating Tap.Bio account.

This is a perfect CRM platform that you can use for free. They can deliver to your email the subscribers, comments on your blog, view the links clicked by readers and pages/blogs viewed by your readers.

Youcut – Video Editor (NO Wateramark)
This is a great video editing tool that you can use when you want to post on your social media accounts. It comes with different video format, colors, etc. for your personalize video content for FREE.

This is an awesome web app. and WordPress plugin that you can use for giving you a donation or someone from your readers to give you an extra dollars/pesos to buy you a Coffee and support your blog.

Google Keep
This is an awesome app. where you can keep all your notes updated and synced on all of your devices 24/7.

Mobile LightRoom CC
You can use this for editing images and use a uniform preset for your blog/brand.

Feel free to add more tools in the comment section below so I can include that in this post. 🙂
I use some of this apps super helpful talaga. di ko na kinaya nag purchase na ako ng canva pro hahaha!
This is nice! I am a new blogger and this list, I believe, is superb! Thank you!!
Bookmarked! 🙂 I’ll try some of these soon!
Thank you for sharing! I need this. ???
Wow! So many tools available. If you’re really into the business of blogging and social media presence, these are good. I may check one on your list if I have the time:-)
I am definitely going to try the YouCut App.. Thanks for sharing. ? I also have how to blog consistently tips here – blog-consistently
I’m adding a link to this page for this helpful blogging tools.?
Very helpful post. I’m using canva for my IG and YT thumbnail
When I am feeling tamad, I use CANVA! Its handy and free to use 😀
I always use LR and Canva!! They are very helpful in designs and blog contents <3
Love this post! I’m using Adobe Lightroom and Canva for my IG. You may also want to check out the app Unfold for the IG stories.
Never heard of the other apps before, now there’ll be new stuff i can explore!!!
Not familiar with these except for Canva and LR, though I also don’t use both much. I just find time to blog despite the busy schedule.
Thank you for sharing! These apps could help me more on blogging. Just downloaded youcut! Want to try tap. bio too!!!
This is so techy!! I never thought there could be apps and tools such as the ones you mentioned, well except for Canva and Lightroom which are installed on my phone already. Thanks for this, this is so practical and useful. It’s really hard to create your content when you are on a full-time day job.
Canva and Lightroom saves me a lot when I need to edit and collage my photos! It’s my first time to hear about Tap.Bio ~ would create my account there too. Thanks for this!!!
I just created my Tap.Bio!! Thanks for sharing it! 🙂