The South Bloggers’ Community in the Southern Luzon of the Philippines was started back in 2019. It is composed of a group of bloggers who are passionate about writing and sharing their thoughts through their blogs. South Bloggers is an online community to encourage each other’s growth, support one another in their creative endeavors, and help each other reach out to more people through their blogs.
They’re a little different from other blogging communities. They were focused on helping bloggers and promoting businesses, but they also provided opportunities for brands to connect with readers who are looking for something new and bloggers that they can work with.
Why do you Need South Bloggers for your Business?
If you’re looking to grow your business and expand your reach, one of the best ways to do that is through blogging. By reaching out to the people who live in the south, you can tap into an entirely new market that might not have heard of your product or service before.
Bloggers are the new word-of-mouth marketers. They have their finger on the pulse of the culture, they can engage with customers over a shared love of a product or service, and they can reach a vast number of people in a very short period.
That’s why so many businesses are working with bloggers these days—but not all of them get what they need from their partnerships. It’s important to remember that while bloggers may be an effective way to get your message out there, they’re also human beings who need to feel supported by their clients. That’s where you come in: if you want your partnership with South Bloggers to be successful and sustainable over time, your company must treat them like the professionals they are—not just as part of an advertising campaign.
List of South Bloggers that you Need to Connect With
But how do you get started? The first step is finding the right bloggers in your area. How do you find these bloggers? Well, it all starts with doing some research. You need to know who the top bloggers are in your area so that you can start reaching out to them and building relationships with them. Once you know who they are, then it’s time to reach out!
If you want to message them, please go to their social media accounts or blog to get their contact email address.
Do you have a business in Southern Luzon? If you do, there’s no doubt that you want to connect with the right people. They are here to help! Don’t forget to connect with South Bloggers on Facebook: @SouthBloggersPH | Instagram: @SouthBloggersPH | Twitter: @SouthBloggersPH | Official #HashTag: #SouthBloggersPH.
Content Creator’s Events
South Content Creator’s events are a great way to meet other creators and get inspired. Here, you can find a list of all the previous events.
- Year-End-Party: All About Cavite with Cavite Content Creators
- Thanksgiving of South Bloggers in Hello Cafe Tagaytay